Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Path of Most Resistance" Pop-Up Video

It's "Path of Most Resistance" all done up VH1-style. You can download the song, purchase the album, and check out the full lyrics at http://sunspot.bandcamp.com/track/path-of-most-resistance.

You can download the Pop-Up at http://www.sunspotmusic.com/sunspot_path_of_most_resistance_popup.mp4 or view it on YouTube directly at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CqKGemQeKo

If you're looking for the original video, you can watch it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYOucORr1ks

Friday, December 11, 2009

A Holiday Greeting from Sunspot

Sunspot wishes you a very happy Holiday Season this year!

And don't forget that you can find Sunspot gifts for your loved ones at store.sunspotmusic.com.

You can watch our message directly on YouTube or download the movie file here.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Old-School Sunspot Video "Prozac Girl" 2001

That's right, friends, the hits just keep on coming. This is the third week in a row we've brought you "classic" (classic, ha, there's nothing classic about the peroxide blonde in this video and did I steal that bowling shirt from a Big Lebowski convention?) Sunspot songs that have been sitting on VHS for the past few years.

This one's a live performance of "Prozac Girl" from the James Madison Memorial High School Arts Week in 2001.

Next week, we'll be back with some newer material (maybe another pop-up video if we can work up enough jokes this weekend) but since we're reaching the end of the Aughts, I thought it would be fun to check in on where we were at the beginning of the decade. We have hours and hours of tape from Sunspot concerts, tours, and television appearances over the past few years so we'll be putting up videos from all throughout our history on the weeks in between podcasts. By the way, we'll be coming up on our 100th podcast soon and I promise we'll do it before the end of the year, we'll definitely be featuring the highlights from this year's Sunspot Christmas Party on the 19th!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Old School Sunspot Video: Meat Market

This one's even older than last week's, but just in time for the holiday, here's another one from the vaults. "Meat Market" is the first actual music video we ever released (thanks to our man, Steve Concotelli for putting it together!) from our first album, Radio Free Earth. Live, we usually dedicate it to Bullwinkle's (a wonderfully sleazy dance club in Madison that the aforementioned Steve introduced me to on underage night when I was still in high school), and we didn't know at the time that years later, Sunspot would host two CD release parties there and before it was full of butt-shaking, sweaty, oversexed young adults dancing to techno (and my favorite, 80's night!) it was a club called Headliners that hosted everyone from U2 to Sonic Youth to The Mighty Mighty Bosstones.

The footage from the club we're playing at in this video is the fondly remembered and long-lost O'Cayz Corral and funny enough, the studio we're recording in is Cactus Studios, which was in the basement of the building that now holds O'Cayz' successor, The High Noon Saloon.

This year I'm thankful that I no longer sport that goatee (or that wicked gut!) but I'm also thankful for the fact that we've had over a dozen excellent years of writing songs, playing shows, traveling, and generally carrying on in the most ridiculous fashion possible. And we're positively thankful that we've got a lot to be really excited about what we've got in store for 2010.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Change The World Old-School Video

I almost forgot we had this one. Wendy's first video editing project was a mash-up of some of our live performances throughout the late 90's set to "Change The World" from our first album, Radio Free Earth. We sent this tape out to booking agents right around the turn of the century and I thought you guys might enjoy a trip down Memory Lane with us.

I just got a decent Elgato video capture card, so I'll be going through the VHS collection and putting up "classic" stuff as I find it!

I think I have at least 4 different hair colors in this video as well.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 99

Some September snapshots with Sunspot stopping by Eau Claire, UW's Engineering Hall in Madison, and Cudahy - with some music by Velvet Dog from Milwaukee.

Download it here.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

No Place Like Home

Everyone wants to escape their small town, everyone thinks they're a fish out of water or a man out of time.

But sometimes the last place you want to be is the place where you belong the most.

This one has a Police meets U2 meets Weezer vibe.

Lyrics and download available at: http://sunspot.bandcamp.com/track/no-place-like-home
Or download the full video by clicking here.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 98

Sunspot at McAuliffe's in Racine and Liquor Sweets in Milwaukee with Billy Orphan, The Andes, and Cynergy 67. Special guest: JJ McAuliffe, himself!

Full download right here!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 97

Sunspot performing at Noah's Ark, hanging out at Memorial Union Terrace, and East Towne Mall the weekend of July 25th, 2009.

Direct download link: http://www.sunspotmusic.com/roadmania/Sunspot%20Road%20Mania%20-%20Ep.%2097%20(Medium).m4v

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 96

Sunspot from Merrill, Wisconsin Rapids, and Madison hanging out the weekend of July 17th. Plus, a two-nosed cow from the Lincoln County Fair, a graveyard walk in Wisconsin Rapids, and see the new WSUM studios!

Direct download at http://www.sunspotmusic.com/roadmania/sunspot_rm_96.m4v

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 95

Sunspot partying at The Majestic July 15th opening up for Cowboy Mouth. The song "Tell The Girl Ur Sorry" from their set is in there as well. You can view this sweet baby in HD on YouTube right here.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Grand Guignol

"Grand Guignol" is a hard rock anthem about the people who just have to make a big deal out of everything.

Le Theatre du Grand-Guignol was where Parisians used to go to get shocked. They specialized in naturalistic horror plays that were over-dramatized, ridiculous, and over the top. It now comes to mean any gruesome or gory drama or event.

We all know at least one person who loves to turn every night into drama night, and this song is for them.

You can download the MP4 of the video right here and download the MP3 and check out the lyrics right here.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Here's the video for our latest single, "Hypnogogic", about the state between waking and dreaming. The split seconds where your dreams seem solid and appear in the real world. Full lyrics and the MP3 is available for download at http://sunspot.bandcamp.com/track/hypnogogic and the video is available for download at http://www.sunspotmusic.com/roadmania/Hypnogogic.mp4

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 93

Sunspot at the Madison Area Music Awards 2009, celebrating their award for Video of the Year, and discussing the release of their new CD and DVD on June 12th, 2009.

You can download the full movie file right here.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 92

Here we go on the way and back from The Terminal Bar for our show on May 2nd, 2009. It's our first experiment with an HD podcast (at least the YouTube version, the downloadable version is a more reasonable resolution!)

Download it right here!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Trashy Hot Video

Here's the video for our song, "Trashy Hot". It's a first-time experiment, we handed out some video cameras to our friends and had them record us live doing one take of the song at our show on March 28th at The Frequency and then we put it all together.

Thanks to Wyatt Bowman, Steve Harrington, Jeff Klahn, Dave Conner, and Matt Apps for their fantastic camerawork!

Download the full-quality version here.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Dig Your Grave" - LOST Video

Here's something to keep the LOST party going even after the show is done tonight and since next week there's no new episode, here's a montage video of my favorite character from LOST, John Locke, set to our song, "Dig Your Grave".

Warning: ***MAJOR SPOILERS*** for every season of the show up until the fifth! Download the song at http://sunspot.bandcamp.com/track/dig-your-grave and of course, ABC and Touchstone own all the copyrights to the footage from LOST, no infringement is intended.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 90

Friday through Monday morning of Sunspot's trip to SXSW 2009 in Austin, Texas! Split into three parts for YouTube's 10-minute rule.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 87

Mike talking about the weekend, along with some footage of Binky Tunny and The Farmland Chokehold as well as some shots working in the Raw Tracks studio for our March song release.

Download the full quality version here.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 86

Here's the new Sunspot Road Mania that we recorded on Sunday on our way back from a great weekend in Northcentral Wisconsin.

You can download the full file right here.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Uncanny Valley

Video for Sunspot's song, "Uncanny Valley". Lyrics and more information can be found here.

This is our first video with the homemade green screen, so please let us know what you think about it.

You can download the full-quality version here http://www.sunspotmusic.com/Uncanny%20Valley.mp4

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sunspot Road Mania - Ep. 85

Sunspot back at Smart to record the first three of 2009's singles with Eric Katte of www.raw-tracks.com

Sunspotmusic.com is still down so we don't have the full quality MP4 up yet, but here's the YouTube video.

Monday, January 12, 2009