This one's even older than last week's, but just in time for the holiday, here's another one from the vaults. "Meat Market" is the first actual music video we ever released (thanks to our man, Steve Concotelli for putting it together!) from our first album, Radio Free Earth. Live, we usually dedicate it to Bullwinkle's (a wonderfully sleazy dance club in Madison that the aforementioned Steve introduced me to on underage night when I was still in high school), and we didn't know at the time that years later, Sunspot would host two CD release parties there and before it was full of butt-shaking, sweaty, oversexed young adults dancing to techno (and my favorite, 80's night!) it was a club called Headliners that hosted everyone from U2 to Sonic Youth to The Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
The footage from the club we're playing at in this video is the fondly remembered and long-lost O'Cayz Corral and funny enough, the studio we're recording in is Cactus Studios, which was in the basement of the building that now holds O'Cayz' successor, The High Noon Saloon.
This year I'm thankful that I no longer sport that goatee (or that wicked gut!) but I'm also thankful for the fact that we've had over a dozen excellent years of writing songs, playing shows, traveling, and generally carrying on in the most ridiculous fashion possible. And we're positively thankful that we've got a lot to be really excited about what we've got in store for 2010.
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